Album News, Tributes, Video — September 9, 2014 at 7:01 am

Watch: The Cure covers The Beatles’ ‘Hello Goodbye’ for Paul McCartney tribute

The Cure

A long-in-the-works Paul McCartney tribute album finally arrives this November, and the first track to debut from The Art of McCartney is a rather faithful cover of The Beatles’ “Hello Goodbye” performed by The Cure with Sir Paul’s son James McCartney assisting on keyboards — the full performance of which you can see below (via The Guardian).

The Cure’s involvement in the project was first announced in 2011, and the standard-edition 34-song tribute finally arrives Nov. 17. The record also features covers performed by Bob Dylan, Chrissie Hynde, KISS, Perry Farrell, Brian Wilson, Roger Daltrey and more (see full tracklist).

A deluxe box set of the project also includes a Robert Smith solo cover of the Wings song “C Moon” (and Ian McCulloch covering The Beatles’ “For No One”).

Below, check out The Cure’s new Beatles cover:


The Cure, “Hello Goodbye”






  1. LOVE IT!!!!!

  2. Why dont they just havecPaul McCartney sing the songs?

  3. UGH. they are my favorite band, but GOODBYE GOODBYE. I see no point in covering this. It still baffles me that when posed with covering The Doors they didn’t do “strange days” or “waiting for the sun” or even “the crystal ship.” That Bowie cover they have is horrible, and the Hendrix cover was just as bad while the unreleased version surpassed it in every way. I never expect much at all from their covers. Love Will Tear Us Apart wasn’t too bad though.

  4. ALSO, who is playing keys??????

  5. @Scott – Roger with a James McCartney mask on!

  6. This sounds more like a James McCartney cover than a Cure cover, you can’t barely hear Robert’s voice.

  7. It’s always a bit disapointing when bands don’t add anything to their covers.

  8. The Cure has been my favorite band since 1987, but I really think he needs to pack up that look. Nothing wrong with getting older at all and its best to accept it with dignity.

  9. Chris Tratalos

    Better to reject it with dignity; old age can wait

  10. McCartney is not my favorite Beatle and this is not one of my favorite songs of his. I wish that they had chosen something else. Paul did have some great wistful and melancholy songs behind the throwaway pop singles…and I just realized that this could also be a description for The Cure!

  11. bitchy Cure fans, lol. Now I’m going to look up all those covers

  12. Brendan Quinn

    Love it. Cure fans, sigh. Lighten up.

  13. I love it!

  14. Is it me or does the guy on keyboard look like Paul on steroids

  15. Cure covers of other songs always sound odd to me, not necessarily because their bad but mainly due to the utter unique style Robert has. I find other bands or artists covers of Cure songs odd for the same reason. This one is one of the better suited songs for The Cure to cover that I’ve actually heard though, it fit with them surprisingly well. Their cover of Hey Joe however, well, that would be an example of some of their bad fits.

  16. What happened to all the big 2014 plans? 4:14 Scream ? The next Trilogy shows? I mean once again RS put out a bunch of BS early in the year.

    And all we get is a couple festival shows and a lousy cover song?

    RS is a pathological liar, I think that plan to release the 4:14 Scream dark album and special edition was complete BS on his part because it’s nowhere to be seen.

    • He has always been a liar and frankly, he has always told the truth about being a liar!

      • Something else about 4:14, If that will be stuff that didn’t make it on 4:13 they can keep it hidden. That is their worst album IMO. It was good they released Bestival to balance things out. I’m not convinced there is much creativity left in Smith and Co. No matter as they can teach many a band about how to give the crowd what they paid for at a live show.

        • Totally agreed on 4:14, it was so bad it actually shocked me. Their self titled wasn’t much better. Bloodflowers was so good, it’s been downhill since then.

  17. I think it’s great!
    I’m not sure why anyone is complaining, or even talking about Roberts appearance. I’m seeing a whole new generation of The Cure fans on instagram and tumblr and they aren’t complaining.

    • Those of us old enough to remember when Smith’s appearance was an elegant mess can appreciate the fact that he now looks like a melting bobble-head of Liz Taylor. It aint what it was, no matter what the “new generation” thinks.

  18. I agree he’s changed, as we all have, still love him though as I’ve been a fan since 1985. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

  19. I have a few things to say, first of all, this is actually a really good cover, Smith sings it quite well and i was a huge fan of the Cure in my teens.

    @James: Agreed, i think the Cure are a spent force creatively and have been for quite a while now. 4:13 Dream was poor but i have to say that it was the 2004 self titled album that stands as their worst album ever. Even Bloodflowers had a few clunkers on it. At some point, Robert Smith became very jaded imo and can’t seem to rekindle the fire that he had in the 80s and early 90s.

    I think if the Cure had quit after the Wish period they would be even bigger legends than they are now. Smith is a 50 odd year old, rich, happily married man who has spent the last 15 years or so writing the same angsty songs that he did in his youth. Its forced and makes him look ridiculous these days.

    I also wouldnt really agree about their live shows “teach many a band a lesson” comment though as i’ve seen the Cure live and it was a 3 hour snooze fest. I think if i had seen them at their pear, around 89 or maybe even 92, it would be a different story. But right now, i dont think the Cure are a good live band.

    • As far as the live shows go, I don’t find them boring at all. Now, are they too long? Yes and my attention span can’t stay with it.

      They are still my favorite band and I don’t have a problem with it at all if they never release another new album if they are going to put out the things they have over the last ten years.

  20. Wish was the last decent Cure album but i saw them at the Royal Albert Hall this year and i was pleasantly surprised at how good they were. Robert’s voice is still amazing live.

  21. @Delta-Mode: spot on.

  22. The comments in Youtube are full of critics aimed at their drummer Jason Cooper. Frankly the drummer during their best era (1985-1993) was 10000 times better.

  23. Yes, Cooper has never been a fan favourite. I think he’s a fairly good drummer but nowhere near as good as Boris Williams. I think Smith just liked him as a person which i guess is fair enough.

  24. Cooper is an easy target in my opinion because he came in to the picture at the start of the “decline” of The Cure as many consider anything after Wish to be. I really have no opinion of him either way. There is no question Smith likes him based on his comments when The Cure was nominated for the Hall of Fame thing. Regardless, if Cooper really doesn’t add anything to the band then his boss is accountable.

  25. I agree. Cooper is terrible. He plays hip hop drums that are garbage at best. The rest of them play horrible heavy metal guitars with stickers all over them as if they are trying to be some third rate hard rock band. What happened to The Cure being classy and interesting. Obviously, WIsh is the last great album, but they started getting it right with Bloodflowers and then quickly blew it. Unfortunately, it has been all downhill since the Dream Tour.

  26. they having a good time; I’d be happy if I could play any song from start to finish on instrument. Any one with musical talent impresses me

  27. Paulo Cesar

    The Cure went downhill since Boris Williams left the band. Just hear the albums after Wish, drums weren’t important anymore. They sound buried in the mix and for a good reason: the drummer does nothing interesting. Where are the punchy beats of Why Can’t I be you? Just like heaven, Open etc!?
    Jason Cooper is meh!

  28. Splendido Roberth

  29. Jason Cooper sucks! Boris Williams rules!

  30. Where are you Boris Bransby-Williams???? you are a legend now man.
    Don’t return to The Cure. Robert doesn’t deserve it after his stupid decision of keeping a bad drummer ruining the songs.

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