Dark Wave Playlists, Radio — January 10, 2021 at 11:05 pm

Playlist: Sirius XM’s ‘Dark Wave’ — hosted by Slicing Up Eyeballs (1/10/21)

Au Pairs

“Dark Wave,” hosted by Slicing Up Eyeballs’ Matt Sebastian, airs 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eastern every Sunday on Sirius XM satellite radio’s 1st Wave (Channel 33). The most recent two episodes also are available via Sirius XM’s On Demand service for online subscribers.


Bauhaus, “Adrenalin” (Go Away White)
The Cure, “All Cats Are Grey” (Faith)
Death Cult, “Gods Zoo” (Death Cult)
Au Pairs, “Sex Without Stress” (Sense and Sensuality)
Echo & The Bunnymen, “My White Devil” (Porcupine)
Revolting Cocks, “Creep” (Linger Ficken’ Good)
Skinny Puppy, “Glass Houses” (Remission)
Ministry, “What a Wonderful World” (Cover Up)
Nitzer Ebb, “Let Beauty Loose” (That Total Age)
The Lucy Show, “Undone” (…Undone)
Xmal Deutschland, “Young Man” (Fetisch)
This Mortal Coil, “Strength of Strings” (Filigree & Shadow)
Tones on Tail, “Burning Skies” (Everything!)

The Sisters of Mercy, “Dominion/Mother Russia” (Floodland)
The Rose of Avalanche, “Goddess” (L.A. Rain)
The Damned, “The Limit Club” (Friday 13th EP)
Love and Rockets, “Bound for Hell” (Love and Rockets)
Lush, “De-Luxe” (Gala)
Slowdive, “Primal” (Just For a Day)
Lowlife, “June Wilson” (San Antorium)
Ride, “OX4” (Going Blank Again)
Depeche Mode, “Freestate” (Ultra)
Strange Advance, “Worlds Away” (Worlds Away)
Moev, “Wanting” (Yeah, Whatever)
DAF, “Verschwende Deine Jugend” (Gold Und Liebe)

Lard, “Pineapple Face” (The Last Temptation of Reid)
1,000 Homo DJs, “Better Ways” (Side Trax)
Front Line Assembly, “Shutdown” (Gashed Senses & Crossfire)
Die Warzau, “All Good Girls” (Engine)
Joy Division, “Novelty” (Heart and Soul)
Gary Numan, “The God Film” (Berserker)
Modern English, “Someone’s Calling” (After the Snow)
For Against, “Daylight” (Echelons)
Simple Minds, “Theme For Great Cities” (Sons and Fascination/Sister Feelings Call)
Cocteau Twins, “Orange Appled” (Love’s Easy Tears)
The Smiths, “Girl Afraid” (Louder Than Bombs)
Siouxsie and the Banshees, “Cities in Dust” (Extended Version) (Tinderbox)
Killing Joke, “Multitudes” (Night Time)


Got a request? To be considered for next week’s show, drop it in the comments below by noon Tuesday.





  1. Thanx for playing Cocteau Twins on tonite’s “Dark Wave.” Can you dig up “Funtime” by Iggy Pop and the late David Bowie for next Sunday’s show? Again, thanx!

  2. Thanks for playing sisters of mercy, Matt. I loved hearing the simple minds this last hour… great show!
    Good night!

  3. Great Moev and Modern English selections. Thanks for a good show.

  4. Could you play “Heaven Is Waiting” by Danse Society please?

  5. My White Devil! I forever Love that song!

    I have a request, The Wedding Present ‘Dalliance’ from Seamonsters. Or back up 10 years, The Stranglers ‘All Roads Lead to Rome’ from Feline.

    I love your show so Much! Never Stop!

  6. NIN-Kinda I Want To, if you can

  7. OX4. Nice.

  8. Can you please play face by Christian death… off of the ashes album. Please please pretty please. Ok I usually don’t do this but it’s my birthday in 12 days worth a shot.

  9. Since next Saturday is My Birthday I would like both back to back Joy Division songs

    Joy Division – Isolation and Passover
    Depeche Mode – Everything Counts
    KMFDM – Split
    Ministry – Overkill
    The Cure – Fight

  10. Good show!

    Here are some DW requests –

    Front 242 – Don’t Crash
    Naked Raygun – Treason


  11. How about Concrete Blonde’s True for next weeks show? Thanks!

  12. THANK YOU, so very much, for curating this show. Amazing.

  13. Chris Lewis

    For MLK day next Monday, how about “The Dream” by Out of the Ordinary

    Brilliant show as always – cheers!

  14. Great playlist! The au pairs were an especially nice touch

  15. Phil Bellios

    Wonderful show Matt! Exceptional songs especially, HOUR 1

    The Cure, “All Cats Are Grey” (Faith)
    Death Cult, “Gods Zoo” (Death Cult)
    Revolting Cocks, “Creep” (Linger Ficken’ Good)
    Skinny Puppy, “Glass Houses” (Remission)

    Thank you for a great Sunday evening!
    Phil Bellios

  16. Couldn’t pick a favorite hour this week Matt. They were all that good. Would like to hear Into You Like A Train- The Furs.

  17. Great Show! Sundays are great again.
    Love to hear the song All the good girls by Die Warzu :D

  18. So much good stuff on the shows!

    Would really love to hear:
    pleasures of the flesh-killing joke
    me and my ding dong-pankow

  19. Me again.
    The Cure Exploding Boy and Burn. :D

  20. Thanks for playing my request <3

  21. Beatnik Punk

    Shift, Crank, Pull

  22. Hi Matt,

    What do you think about playing, “Visions in Blue” by Ultravox? Melancholy and dark with some jam. Great song. Unusual tones. Love it.

  23. Hi Matt,
    What do you think about playing, “Visions in Blue” by Ultravox? Melancholy and dark with some jam. Great song. Unusual tones. Love it.

  24. Beatnik Punk

    Matt, dude, I think I speak for all of your listeners when I say this… O thank the God(s)? above for you and your musical tastes which enables us with those same tastes to listen to a fantastic show that not only brings me back to my youth (I am 51) but opens me up to music I never heard and shocked that I’ve never heard that song or band before. You’ve got some musical testicles and we salute you!

  25. Nice one with the Die Warzau, a definite evolution of their sound and actually some pretty nice guys. I also second the motion for Naked Raygun (showing some Chicago love)!

    For a future show how about Tackhead – Mind at the End of the Tether

  26. Terrific show as usual!! For Against always makes me happy. Could you squeeze the following into upcoming shows?

    Human Drama – Old Man
    I Start Counting – Letters to a Friend (Miller Mix)
    Ian McCulloch – Ribbons & Chains [feat. Robin Guthrie]

  27. Jeff crytzer

    Could you please play Human Sexual Response-Ann Frank Story on Dark Wave.

  28. Ken Carlyle

    Thanks for playing 23 Skidoo ‘Coup.’ I really appreciate it.
    Another great show, Matt.
    It is the highlight of my week.

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