Early warning alert: Sure it’s still December, not even Christmas yet, but if you’re in the Southern California area and have April 25 free on your calendar, we’re giving three lucky Slicing Up Eyeballs readers each a pair of tickets to see classic New Wave rockers The Fixx play the House of Blues in Anaheim, Calif., next spring.
TO ENTER: Just drop a comment below naming your favorite Fixx song, and offer up a few words as to why it’s so great. If you’re using the Slicing Up Eyeballs app, please email your entry to info@slicingupeyeballs.com with the subject line “I gotta win those Fixx tix.”
RULES: We’ll take entries until 5 p.m. EST Friday, Dec. 27. After that point, we’ll select 3 winners at random and contact them via their provided e-mail addresses. One entry per person.
TICKETS: If you want to just go ahead and secure those tickets, they’re on sale now.
UPDATE: The contest is now closed. Thank you all for entering. Winners will be emailed shortly.
“Less Cities, More Moving People” from Phantoms (great album)
Red Skies at Night
Because it’s a little pop gem that has always taken me on a nice ride.

I love the song Secret Separation. It’s timeless and could be released today with full relevance!
Thank you!
Reach The Beach
The title song from the album has great synth sounds combined with Rupert Hine’s production skills. It’s so good! Give it a listen on YouTube if you don’t know it.
“Stand or Fall” – the vocals are great and even tho the guitar line is minimalist, it’s very cool
Tough call between “Secret Separation” and “In Suspense”, but the latter probably edges out. They’ve had great tunes on pretty much every release of their career, but that tune always had a quality that was both timeless but very much of its time. I even titled one of my own paintings after it: http://society6.com/zeruch/in-suspense_Print#1=45
“Beautiful Friction” from last year’s ‘comeback’ album. After being away for nearly a decade they still have it. Hypnotic guitar lines and infectious melody. Great stuff!
Deeper and Deeper – always liked the guitar and Cy’s voice on this one…
Saved By Zero….love the lyrics and vocals.
Woman On A Train…I think it’s a very captivating song with it’s hypnotic bass line and drums, topped off with a splashes of guitar throughout. (Although the same could be said of Less Cities, More Moving People.
Red Skies, haunting reminder of that time
One Thing Leads To Another, because it was the first Fixx song I ever heard, and How Much Is Enough?, because I love the sad, pleading sound of the chorus and the theme of the lyrics.
Red Skies At Night
I love it because it’s got a melancholy, Science Fiction vibe, yet it’s a perfect pop song.
Can “anyone”, honestly” choose just one Fixx song?! If pressed, ‘Saved By Zero’ is the most haunting. A beautiful and tragically wonderfully song. One of those songs that takes you to the emotional place you were when you first heard it.
How Much Is Enough? From the Ink album. A classic song that is still as beautiful and relevant as it was 20 years ago.
A close second is Anyone Else from their album last year. They are still making great music!!
red skies at night and saved by zero…because without these 2 songs in our cover bands set list …would have lead to my possible insanity. Phantoms had other great songs to shag to.
“Outside” from Reach the Beach.
This song is packed with intensity while maintaining a lovely minimalism. Pretty much any track from the album could be my pick. :)
“Anyone Else”; the lead off track from Beautiful Friction always gets cranked and re-cranked a few times.
Saved by Zero-great hypnotic groove
Stand or Fall is my all time favorite. The synth leads put me in aural heaven. I’ve never seen the Fixx live. This would be an awesome time to win a contest like this :)
“Less Cities, More Moving People”. Great vibe and profound message. Great band as well. Thanks for the opportunity.
“One thing leads to another”. Was the first song I heard from them. Remember seeing the video on MTV. Brings back great memories from a simpler time.
Just one favorite? Well, my thoughts ran Deeper And Deeper as I just wanted to Reach The Beach and look at the Red Skies. I didn’t know if I would Stand Or Fall, but I was hoping to be Saved By Zero. I couldn’t take much more of our Secret Separation because One Thing Leads To Another, as I asked myself How Much Is Enough. Anyone Else feel this way?
That is a true fan!!! PEACE! JOEY!
Stand or Fall because its an amazing song but more importantly, it reminds me of a first date with a girl I was crazy about.
I am shocked no one came up with my fav. “Driven Out” from the 1988 album Calm Animals. I just love this lyric: “Cooking with microwaves
Warm up my food it’s not seen the soil”
Woman on a Train – because it reminds me of Dagny riding the John Galt Line in my favorite book, Atlas Shrugged.
The title track for Beautiful Friction!!
Yes that really is a great song. I was hooked the first time I heard it.
Liner – because I don’t think any band could cover this song, and the mood created sails along through life. It is also righr around my birthday!
Red Skies – It is a dark, beautiful song that reminds me of the best time of my life.
Can’t wait to see you guys again! I met you at Fender a few years ago. Happy Holidays!
Favorite song… all of them but lets go with, One thing leads to another : )
I’m going to have to go with Shaman. I love the idea that these mystical souls roam throughout our civilizations, so easily dismissed and so readily overlooked, and yet they hold so many keys to understanding.
Sunshine in the Shade. Still one of my favorites. What’s not to like about it? Great song lyrically and musically, great guitars and keys.
“Lost Planes” – love Cy Curnin’s singing and the lyrics – the song inspired me to write a book called “Planes without Passengers”
Stand or Fall…The CD is always in my car it Takes me back to the 80’s!!! We did so many things while listening to the FiXX!!!
Just one song???? Outside, of course!!! Deeper and Deeper, Red skies, OPINIONS,,, I can’t just pick one! Hands down some of the best songs of all time…
“Two Different Views” is an amazing song, both lyrically and musically. Simple in the approach and musical structure, but the lyrics breakdown tensions on both personal and global levels. If we all just looked at the issues and understood where the other was coming from, maybe disagreements would be less frequent. One can hope.
Opinions. Is a very deep song and the vocals are great, plus it’s a great song to sing along to
I’m probably not going to get the tix anyway since I don’t live in CA. But…how can I resist saying…
“Built For The Future”
It’s hard to choose just one song from The Fixx, but I would have to say “Saved by Zero” because of the message about the release you feel when you realize you have nothing left to lose. This song has helped me through some very trying times! :)
The Fool
Great lyrics and melody
Wish is my favorite Fixx song, I love the lyrics, the mood and the way it can be interpreted so many ways. I always liked the Fixx but when I heard this song for the first time I became a devoted fan.
“Driven out” & “Fatal Shore”.. are perhaps the two best songs ever written.. Then came the album “Beautiful Friction”..
“Something ahead of you”.. I’m torn. I get high from The Fixx.. xx
Only one! This band has been with me since middle school! Every decision I made, The Fixx could relate! It’s like we’re on the same wave! Cy,Jamie,Adam,Rupert & Dan thanks for the first 32 yrs!!! PEACE! JOEY!
One Thing Leads to Another
*Always was my go to wakeboarding song…..I no longer board due to getting a total hip replacement ( I am only 33).
Stand or Fall. I listened to this song over and over during a time in my life when I was broken and I had to decide weather I was going to “stand or fall”…I’m standing! :-)
Been a Fixx devotee since the 80’s, so in that time have had many favorite songs. What comes to mind is “I Will” from Phantoms because of its take on relationships, “if the love doesn’t set you free, then I will.” From the 90’s, “How Much Is Enough” from Ink because it talks of man’s greed and just “how much is enough when your soul is empty” for one to be happy. And now in the 2000’s, “Anyone Else” from Beautiful Friction because of the line “I can only be myself, I can’t be anyone else but me…be what only you can be, please don’t be anyone else for me,” coming back full cycle to the sentiments expressed in “I Will,” that love should free one to be one’s self or else it’s not really love.
I really can not pick just one as I really like ALL their songs. They sing of life, what they feel about life events, troubles and their views of. They are not all heavy metal songs that either have little or no meaning. But if I have to pick one, I would pick “Less Cities, More Moving People”. And this would because I feel that this song is one that can interpreted in different ways .
Outside is my favorite song by The Fixx. One of The Fixx’s greatest strength is their ability to use dynamics in their music. Outside presents massive intensity that crescendos into an explosive climax while Cy provides soaring melodies and lyrics that enriches the soul.
“Outside” is only one of many favorites. About as minimalist as you can get, with a great message. “Reach the Beach” / “Fatal Shore” – overlapping, reaching, arriving, love, war, the futility of sharing the spoils.
I’m Life – because, I am.
Saved by Zero because of a highly personal reason. Needless to say the beauty of the song brings tears to my eyes.
Are We Ourselves! Taking on a new persona!!!
Reach the Beach, Cameras in Paris, love all your music!!!
I love ‘Can’t Finish’! The production is amazing from the swarm of bees behind really funky bass that climaxes in the Six million Dollar Man bionic-noise through to the deafening silence with cool key board mini-solo. The rock solid beat to the horns, it’s just an incredible song and I can’t stay seated when it comes on! Imagination is my tool! But Phantom Living and We Once Held Hands are close behind!
“Phantom Living” I feel like a phantom most times. Like when I enter contests and never win.
red skies at night
always reminds me of day on the green in Oakland 1983
Less Cities More Moving People…
unique and moving …
So many to choose but Girl with No Ceiling is amazing for its capturing experiences of many.
Cameras in Paris – Love the atmosphere and mood.
One Thing Leads to Another, the first song I remember hearing by the Fixx. I was stunned (and still am) by the band’s ability to create a melodic and hypnotic landscape as a backdrop to meaningful lyrical content. Cy’s dramatic vocal delivery carries the message beyond what a typical singer does. The band has continued this achievement to this day. You can interpret this message as personally as a betrayal from one person to another or as broadly as an entity such as a greedy corporation scheming for monetary gain..or more…. Masterpiece, and the message is truer today than ever. Plus – you can dance to it.
Beautiful Friction ~ A melodic journey through the chaos and angst of life. The muti tracked instrumentals combine with Cy’s soaring vocals and paint an uplifting and inspiring chorus for those who listen to and contemplate the haunting but joyous irony.
Beautiful Friction. In 2013 it sounds enough like The Fixx of old yet completely modern at the same time….some kind of Fixx magic. Instantly recognizable for older fans and yet contemporary enough to draw in new fans…..absolutely hypnotic track….quite frankly, I don’t think it gets any better than this!
“Saved by Zero” … when you listen to it, you can get lost in the words and music. It really pulls you in and puts you in a relaxed, soothed state.
While there are many amazing songs from the FIXX, which makes it hard to pick just one, I fought my initial instincts to cite “Outside,” “Red Skies” or “Reach the Beach,” and felt compelled to select “Beautiful Friction.” Simply stated, “Beautiful Friction” captures the true essence and spirit of the band, by effortlessly weaving in a current vibe and feel, with hypnotic music and thought-provoking lyrics without compromise. Every time I hear the song, it reminds me why I love this band.
Red Skies at Night. My true favorite was talking to you all at the Asparagus Festival in Stockton, Ca and then hanging out with you behind Fat Cat in Modesto, Ca. Jamie walked me to my car as I was unable to get back through the bar and I was a silly 7th grade girl in the 80’s again! Love you guys!
Anyone Else. Cys voice is incredible, the band is amazing, the original lineup is back, it is poppy and hooky and melodic and beautiful, that’s it..
No One Has to Cry
Means more today than ever.
Are We Ourselves, for it’s rockin groove & cutting insight.
“Happy Landings” is perhaps the best song the Fixx have ever done. It has perfect melody and structure, linked with a sincere message of hope.
OPINIONS, Hands down, most FAVORITE song! I love the vocals, the music, the way it makes me feel.
Liner: just my fav song of the moment, says this huge The FIXX fan.
Deeper and Deeper (Long Version). An outstanding track that should have had massive airplay, but didn’t.
The Fool. I love so many songs and albums, but this is definitely my favorite. The music and lyrics work so well together to create emotion and mood.
Wow, so many great ones from which to choose, but I will have to go with “Driven Out” as not only was it a great song upon it’s release it is still relevant today if not even more so. I just gotta’ have those tickets……………….puuuuuuleeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
It’s a tough choice, but I’d have to say Saved By Zero. To me it’s a defining 80’s track, and one that puts me back into that great era as much as anything else. It’s so tightly preformed and effortlessly cool that it’s hard to imagine anyone not being drawn to this tune whether you’re of those times or not.
“Saved By Zero” is probably my absolute favorite because of the melody, atmosphere and chord changes. There are so many that I could choose, though. From Shuttered Room to Beautiful Friction, The Fixx have continued to release some amazing music…
“Deeper and Deeper” and “Beautiful Friction”….when I hear them I get a big smile on my face and I just have to sing along…thank goodness no one can hear me because I do them no justice…
‘Beautiful Friction’ and Stand or Fall
The combination of sound, Cy’s Amazing voice, and the meaningful lyrics. I have ALWAYS love Stand or Fall! This song brings back really great memories when I was a teenager and watching this fantastic band on MTV and then The Fixx recently came out with another amazing song, Beautiful Friction! The emotional way that this song makes me feel when I hear it, its just truly incredible!
“A Letter to both Sides” – not only because it’s a great and underappreciated song, but because it’s in my favorite movie of all time – Fletch!
Red Skies at Night
It simply is what great 80s rock songs
were about, lyrics with meaning, great quality production, music meant something, its was created to transcend
I must have these tix!! I saw them this past summer in Colorado Springs, they were awesome! Favorite song is Secret Separation, it is the song that helped me win an autographed poster of them!
Red Skies
Stand or Fall
The Fixx was a cherished part of my Life Soundtrack / The Teen Years. I would love to be reacquainted with their music. If I win, I’m going to find my high school bestie and take her along. She loved The Fixx too!
‘Lost Planes’
The phrasing on this song is infectious. Wore my tape out!
“Deeper and Deeper” has to be my favorite. The chorus speaks to me and a certain time in my life. About letting go.
“Red Skies” was played constantly in San Diego’s 91X radio station. A very appropriate tune for the cold war era. Still takes me back to 1987 every time I hear it!
Less Cities, More Moving People. Awesome song. The video is very mysterious
Sign of fire, jamie’s guitar!
There are so many to choose from but my current fave is Climb The Hill from the underrated Ink LP…to see the inside out is outside in…brilliant deep cut.
All right, contest is now closed. Thank you all for sharing. Winners will be notified via email shortly.
Saved By Zero – I thought it was incredibly profound as a kid and now I just like it a bunch