For this week’s installment of “120 Minutes” Rewind, we flash back to 1991 for this segment from a stop on the first Lollapalooza tour, which finds host Dave Kendall chatting up Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor and Richard Patrick (who’d go on to front Filter).
Kendall asks Reznor if industrial music is on the verge of mainstream popularity, and Reznor replies, “Whether or not it’s going to be the new big thing, I don’t know.” While industrial music as a genre never really broke big, NIN, of course, would in a huge way with The Downward Spiral.
Watch it below via uploader Thermal Detonator TV.
- ‘120 Minutes’ Rewind: Kurt Loder puts Social Distortion under the ‘120 X-Ray’ in 1990
- ‘120 Minutes’ Rewind: Dave Kendall eulogizes The Smiths following band’s 1987 break-up
- ‘120 Minutes’ Rewind: Red Hot Chili Peppers light up the ‘120 X-Ray’ in 1989
Incongruously, they had all these smoke machines going for a mid-afternoon set. I seem to recall Spin writing that it looked like they were having a really good BBQ going onstage.