Frequently asked questions (FAQs):
Resurrecting a defunct music-news site seems like a pretty poorly conceived idea.
That’s not even a question.
Isn’t resurrecting a defunct music-news site a pretty poorly conceived idea?
So why are you doing it? Surely nobody’s clamoring for it.
No, no one’s clamoring. But I’ve increasingly missed doing this, and I missed the community of music lovers that sprang up around the site. I’m rested, and ready for more. I may be the only one who cares, but it’s feeling really good to be back in the groove of things. I started this site back in 2009 for my own personal enjoyment, and that’s still the driving force behind this.
But what about all of this business? You were pretty melodramatic about giving it all up.
Yeah. Well. Things change. I don’t have a great answer for that. But, you know, if you read all the way to the end of that farewell post, I did leave the door open.
Nobody reads all the way to the end.
You don’t have to rub it in.
Still, it’s a bit awkward, isn’t it? The big, weepy farewell, and then, oh, never mind all that stuff I said, here we are again, like nothing ever happened.
Well, when you put it that way… But, yeah. I can’t pull off that quitting business twice, so I’m probably stuck with this now in perpetuity. This may not have been the most well-planned idea.
You’ve made a huge mistake, haven’t you?
It’s entirely possible.
— Matt Sebastian, retired music blogger
Welcome back! At least one lurker who’ll return regularly.
Really excited to see this blog back up and running! Best news of the day!!
whoohoo!! great news.. welcome back
Welcome back!
Glad to have you back, SUEB. We missed you.
Welcome home. You’ve been missed.
FWIW i just coincidenctally opened the SUE app today out of nostalgia. Welcome back.
Thanks for coming back online. One of my favorite sites for new wave/college rock/post punk stuff.
Yes!!!! So excited!!
I will be back regularly! I still listen to those podcasts/mixtapes regularly.
And just saying – if you were to put a link for donations…i bet some people would be more than willing.
Welcome back!
I’m glad to have a website again to check for the music news that matter. :)
Nice to see the return. Have missed the site, especially news of new releases.
Welcome Back, And Thank You…
Thanks for bringing it back. Really missed SUE.
Thank you so much! I really missed checking in every couple of days. I still have the site bookmarked. Welcome back and good luck!
Yay! Mixed tapes?
YES! You have been missed.
Welcome back.
Nice to see you’ve returned. You’ve been missed.
Welcome back! I don’t care about the reasons, only that you are back.
I’m thrilled that you’re back!
So glad you guys are back! I was listening to the old mixtapes the other week, and I realised how bad my inbox was now I wasn’t getting your emails.
Welcome back! You and the site were missed. Here’s to perpetuity in blogging!
Awesome! Thank you for coming back, have really missed the Eyeballs!!!
Woot! Very exciting. Welcome back.
I read all the way to the end!! Glad you’re back!!
Finally, something to care about on the web again.
Thanks for coming back.
WaHoo! Welcome back Sir! / ’bout time pal.
Great to have you back!!!!!
Welcome back!
Yes!!! Welcome back! Oddly enough I was just thinking about this site the other day when I heard news of DM’s new album.
I am excited to see you are coming back to it! Good luck, and THANK YOU.
Here’s to one old 65 year old fart that lives for your music.Bring it on,baby!!
Welcome back!
This is TRULY shitrageous!! Great to have “Slicing Up Eyeballs” back in business!
No complaints here! I love your blog my friend!
Half the artists you cover are guilty of the same! Welcome back! Of course I hope it’s not just you reposting the same obvious 15 posts the casual fans want to hear… ;)
Imagine my surprise to see a new post from one of my favorite defunct music-news sites appear on my RSS reader … welcome back! You have been missed, and I look forward to seeing more of you.
You’re not the only one that cares…thanks for coming back!
Awesome!!!! Rad!!! Totally tubular!!!
Also glad to see you back.
Always knew you’d come back. That is why I kept the app. Welcome back.
You were missed, and I can see I am not alone in being glad to have you back!
Yes! So glad to hear you’re back. I’ve checked in from time to time to see if you started up again.
This is excellent news to end my weekend with….
YAY! Welcome back!!
So glad to have you back, your emails alerted me to so many good gigs and records.
Don’t be embarressed – the rest of us old farts rely on old farts like you with get up and go.
Lots of love from London!
Totally awesome!! Long live the ’80s.
Welcome back Matt. I for one am happy you are back at it!
Cheers to you on your return. I loved this page and all the great information you put out there. Love reading all the arguments about greatest this and greatest that. You also shed light on bands from back in the day that I had neglected or missed entirely. I look forward to great days ahead.
What took you so long.
Welcome Back! I have missed the site and you. I hope to see regular updated news soon.
Happy that you are back!
Matt , Welome Back this & Dark wave Sunday nights ( sirius Xm 33)are a must have!
Never go away , again
Barb j .
Good to have you back!
Welcome back! You have been missed!
I’m so glad you’re back, Matt. I’ve missed, “Slicing Up Eyeballs” for the music news, I so fondly care about. Great to see you!
‘Welcome Back’, Matt Sebastian !! Get it? John Sebastian/Matt Sebastian…..ah, forget it. Good to have you back. Save us from Trump. A dedicated reader from Magic Mountain in Valencia, California.
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! My fav mag!
Thank you for all you do to keep, in my opinion, the best music ever created top of mind.
Yay! I’ve been a fan since way back (cemented by winning a Depeche Mode CD from you) ;-)
Good to have you back! Looking forward to some awesomeness!
Awesome. Always loved this site.
Welcome back! I just returned to blogging after taking 2 years off.
Great!! Back on my favorites list.
YAY!!! Best news ever!
I missed you. Nice to see you back!
Excited to have this return!
Very happy you are back. It was the right thing to do.
Great to have you back!
Huzzah! First you left and then NME officially became unrecognizable. Happy to have you back.
I was quietly clamoring. And that’s totally a thing.
Glad to have you back.
I care and I’ve missed you….
I’m glad to see you’re back!
From one So-Cal to another WELCOME BACK!!!!!!
So glad this is back!
I’m watching the Grammys (happy wife, happy life guys) and I’m massively depressed. So reading this has certainly balanced things out.
I never deleted the rss feed. I knew you’d be back!
So glad you are back. I’ve missed you, and thought of you so very, very often.
Specifically, I’ve thought of you each and every time Morrissey has cancelled yet another concert.
Welcome back! You’ve been sorely missed!
Nice. I need a sticker.
So are we finally getting that damned best songs of 1982 poll?
Yes!!!!!! So excited to see this post pop up on my RSS feed!
Rock on! Great news!
Great news, my favourite music site by far. Welcome back and all the best from Spain.
Great! I’m very happy to read you again!
Welcome back!
I was clamoring. In my own silent, introverted way, I was clamoring.
Yea! Welcome back.
Good to see you back – and thank you for all the work and effort that’s gone in over the years.
I missed you
Very glad to see the site back up and running. It was missed. Welcome back!
Great news! Loved the site and was disappointed when it ended. Welcome back.
So glad to have you back!!!
Woot woot! psyched to have you back in the inter-tubes!
I can’t believe it, I was just about to start a nostalgic blog in memory of SUE. So glad I can now put that off for another 1? 5? 10 years?
Forever remain
For some unknown reasons, I had an feeling you’d be back. That’s why I never removed you from my bookmarks and kept visiting at least once a month.
Hell yeah!
Welcome back. I’ve kept you in my daily checklist all along… just in case. Ha.
This is the best news I’ve had all week. Glad to see you are back.
Nice!!! Welcome home, er, back!!!!!
Yeeeesss!!!! Restarting my exercise routine and quitting drugs
Thanks for coming back!
Great news! Reminds me of the Smiths “I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish.”
Welcome Back
Absolutely awesome!!! Welcome back, Matt!
Thank you sooooo much for bring SUEB back! Definitely qualified for heart-broken when announced you were going away…. SUEB was and will be among the main mssgs/sites I check into every chance I get…
Of course it’s a great idea. Dark Wave forever <3
I can’t tell you how happy I am that you are back. Hey, if many great bands can break up and get back together (the Cult, Mission, Alarm…to name a few) there’s nothing stopping this fantastic site from firing back up!!!
YES! the Internet is worth using again! Welcome back mate!
Really glad you’re back at it!
Welcome back. I’ll echo what has already been said.
Missed you.
Glad the site is back.
Hope all is well, and continues to be well.
Got my Midnight Oil tickets today and just wanted to look for something here in the archives, and Walah!!!!! Man I am so happy right now. Thank you for doing this!
So glad to hear you’re doing this again. This was always the first site I checked after work each night.
Thrilled it’s back!
Ayy you’re back, awesome.
stumbled by chance. so good to see you. cheers
Missed this development. Very happy!
Right on…you’re back! Came back looking for some archived posts on Tears For Fears and realized that you’re back to posting new news… Woo hoo!!! Wecome back!
Holy bat shit fucking wonderful! I had discovered your site not too long before you shut it down. Gutted, I was.
And just today I was looking for information about the new Peter Murphy release and I saw a link to Slicing Up Eyeballs and thought “That can’t be right… that site is dead.”
But no….. here it is again. And just recently started up again! I cannot appropriately convey my pleasure at this.
Just discovered this site is back and I’m so pumped!
Discovered the site is active again today thanks to someone cross posting an article to How great is that??? Used to read this blog everyday, I am catching up on what I have missed so far.
So happy to have you back!
I just googled something and it showed up on Slicing Up Eyeballs!! WOW! YOU’RE BACK! Great news!
I just saw that Slicing Up Eyeballs had returned, and that totally made my day. :)
Welcome back Matt,
Unfortunately, I would not have discovered you were back had I not searched for news covering John Lever’s passing.
Welcome back and much fun with it! Missed your blog sincerly.
I just discovered you’re back………THX.
Greeting from Holland.
Having only just discovered you I’m very glad you took up the baton again.
What a great time for a burst of good news! I would’ve clamored if I thought it’d do any good.
missed u missed all the news ! how about more love tractor their Georgia theater show was awesome
Welcome Back My Friend! Or maybe….I should be welcomed back as you’ve been back since February! In any case, In the last two years I would peak at your site to reminisce and HOPING you’d be back and so I did today and lo and behold, I’m almost fell off my rocker. I’ve got much to catch up to and will be checking everyday as I did from 2009-2015. Thanks again and look forward to the monthly download.
Finally, some good news!! Welcome back SUE
I just noticed you are back! Used to visit the site daily and will do so again going forward. Now I need to catch up…
Imagine my surprise when I stumbled across the reactivated site. This has made my year. Obviously counting poll results is your thing.
Thanks for firing SUE up again Matt. The fist site I hit every morning.
On a whim I entered S.U.E into the search engine. First pleasant surprise since the CUBS world series victory. Welcome back Matt. Bookmarking,,,now!
Wow, had no idea this site was back on the air.
Thanks for the reboot.
Got any stickers left, missed my chance last time around?
Yes, plenty of stickers left. Here’s the deal:
So glad. Took me a while to clue in that I shouldn’t be reading stuff from FB posts on the blog until I saw you were back. Cool! Cheers!
Still glad you’re back every day since the reboot! Keep up the great work! You are appreciated by so many.
This blows. It is 2018 and I am just now learning you restarted this website.
Thank you soooo much!!
Overjoyed, I had no idea you were back. I have a few articles to catch up on. Over the moon thrilled, thank you. You just made my day!
Glad you are back, Gazillions of 80’s & 90’s reissues coming out, nice to read more details on them, I’m still full time in this record/cd biz since 1986.
Stumbled upon your residence quite a bit ago.
Very,very cool site.
I was about to delete you from my bookmarks and I clicked on “one more time,” just to see, and lo and behold! Glad you’re back up and running! Great stuff!!