Tag: Cure FM

Download: The Cure's second 1990 'Cure FM' pirate-radio broadcast for 'Mixed Up'

Download: The Cure’s second 1990 ‘Cure FM’ pirate-radio broadcast for ‘Mixed Up’

On Oct. 6, 1990, The Cure made a second attempt at a pirate-radio broadcast in London to promote its upcoming ‘Mixed Up’ remix album; this one went off successfully, and we’ve got edited audio from that night of the band being interviewed and spinning records.

Milestones: Robert Smith's 'Cure FM' pirate radio broadcast was 20 years ago tonight

Milestones: Robert Smith’s ‘Cure FM’ pirate radio broadcast was 20 years ago tonight

Twenty years ago tonight, Robert Smith and the rest of The Cure — aided by a pair of American DJs and shadowed by MTV and the music press — set up a pirate radio station at the headquarters of Fiction Records with plans to illicitly premiere their soon-to-released remix album ‘Mixed Up’ over the London airwaves.